The Oak Cliff Renaissance: GENTRIFIED
This film explores gentrification in the Oak Cliff area of Dallas, TX.

The Bishop Arts District
We spent time in the Bishop Arts District conducting interviews.

The Oak Cliff Renaissance: Gentrified
This film was created to explore the topic of gentrification in Oak Cliff, TX. Over the course of 12 weeks, the YMA team met with students from Duncanville High School through Zoom sessions and learned about documentary filmmaking, the elements of a story, interviewing techniques, the basics of researching a topic, and basic uses of the equipment. During our live production weekends, STUDENTS RECEIVED HANDS-ON EXPERIENCE on the equipment and followed their production plan. Our curriculum is aligned to Career and Technical Education Standards in the Arts, Media, and Entertainment pathway for high-paying, highly skilled, and high-growth industry sectors.
This group of students are part of the Youth and Government program through the YMCA in the Metropolitan Dallas area. Their teacher, Stephanie Lee, provided wonderful support along with Yashi McGowan, the Director of Youth and Government and Teens for the YMCA. This project was funded by the Black Leadership AIDS Crisis Coalition (BLACC) and the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF).
The running time for the film is approximately 22 minutes

To comment on the film, scroll to the bottom of this page. We would love to hear your thoughts.

Two YMA completers in the news!!!
Resources on Gentrification

– Monetizing Gentrification by TJ Loftin
Take the short quiz below:
Another big thanks to ahf, blacc, ymca, and healthy housing for this amazing experience!!!!