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Moon and students on the set
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Adjusting Settings on the Camera
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Learning about Composting
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Interviewing Zak at Local Green Atlanta
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Chad from Booker T. Washington HS Teaching a Lesson on Farming
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Edward Westreicher: Atlanta Community Food Bank
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Our Trip to the Food Bank
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Commissioner Natalie Hall
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Bobby Wilson: Metro Atlanta Urban Farm
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Having Fun at the Metro Atlanta Urban Farm
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Working with the Blackmagic Camera
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Interviewing Jilea Hemmings, owner of Nourish & Bloom
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Setting up Lights
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Richard Campbell and Aaron Short, GEO-AG
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More Lessons: Students from Booker T. Washington HS
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Ms Trinity from Truly Living Well teaching kids the basics of composting
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Dr. Roger Morales, Pediatrician

HOPE for healthy Food
This film examines the issues around food deserts and food insecurities in the Atlanta Metroplitan area. Over the course of 12 weeks, the YMA team met with students from H.O.P.E. to New Heights through Zoom sessions and learned about documentary filmmaking, the elements of a story, interviewing techniques, the basics of researching a topic, and working with film equipment.
During our live production weekends, STUDENTS RECEIVED HANDS-ON EXPERIENCE on digital cameras, sound equipment, and lighting for filmmaking and followed their production plan to complete the project. Our curriculum is aligned to Career and Technical Education Standards in the Arts, Media, and Entertainment pathway for high-paying, highly skilled, and high-growth industry sectors.
We went on field trips to several locations in the Atlanta area and explored the topic in-depth. We were grateful to have a wonderful group of experts from various fields and also an amazing group of students and staff from Booker T. Washington High School and Truly Living Well.
A special thanks to H.O.P.E. to New Heights and our sponsors, AHF and BLACC, for another great project.
The running time for the film is approximately 19 minutes.
"If our stories aren't told by us, they aren't told correctly."

Founder of YMA
To comment on the film, scroll to the bottom of this page. We would love to hear your thoughts.

Another big thanks to ahf, blacc, and H.O.P.E. for new heights for this amazing experience!!!!